CBDU president hails Universiade as a platform for societal development

2023-07-27 21:50:28 来源:People's Daily Online 分享到:

Luciano Cabral, the president of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) and vice president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), gave an exclusive interview to People"s Daily Online on the eve of the opening of the 31st edition of the FISU World University Games, which will be held from July 28 to Aug. 8 in Chengdu, southwest China"s Sichuan Province.


Luciano Cabral, the president of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

People"s Daily Online: As President of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation, what are your expectations regarding the University Games in Chengdu?

Luciano Cabral:The Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) aspires to remain among the top 20 countries (regions). Our goal has always been to maintain this tradition and be within the top three countries in the Americas. But it"s much more than that. Beyond just sporting achievements, the CBDU aims to offer athletes and university students the finest technical, athletic, and logistical conditions to engage in high-level competition. Not only does this contribute to their athletic development, but above all, it supports their professional and educational growth. The experience of having participated in an event of this magnitude – the second-largest sports event in the world – carries significant added value.

People"s Daily Online: In what areas does the Brazilian delegation exhibit a competitive advantage?

Luciano Cabral:Brazil will compete in 11 sports. In particular, there are four sports in which Brazil has a traditional presence and expects to win medals, namely judo, Taekwondo, swimming, and athletics. These are the four events where we hold the highest expectations regarding the best results.

Luciano Cabral, the president of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

People"s Daily Online: How do you evaluate the preparations for the Chengdu University Games? What surprised you most in terms of infrastructure, support services, sports facilities and food?

Luciano Cabral:In fact, the city of Chengdu has been ready since 2021. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the games were postponed twice to 2023. Chengdu is a very beautiful, clean, and green city. The sports facilities are exceptional, boasting top-tier quality. The village"s offerings to athletes are also wonderful. The experiences being offered to participants, the gifts, the care, the attention, and the promotional marketing of the event are all perfect. But the most surprising thing of all is the ability of the organizing committee in Chengdu to maintain everything at a high standard from 2021 to 2023. Everything has remained perfectly ready from 2021 and in excellent condition for use in 2023. It"s amazing how they managed to navigate this challenging period, sustain everything in high quality, and arrive here with everything at such a high level.

People"s Daily Online: Have you been to China before? As a well-known tourist city in China, what impressions did Chengdu leave on you?

Luciano Cabral:I"ve been to China several times, including stops in Guangzhou, Beijing, and Chengdu, among other cities. However, Chengdu is really a very beautiful, modern, clean, tree-lined city with many parks, wide roads, and an incredibly friendly populace. Chengdu is a really beautiful and modern city that"s worth a visit.

Luciano Cabral, the president of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

People"s Daily Online: What is the importance of the University Games in promoting international exchanges and strengthening the friendship between countries?

Luciano Cabral:The University Games are a development platform for our society. We gather young students from all over the world who play sports and bring them to a specific city where they can develop those activities that they love so much. This creates rapport and fosters an exchange of experiences, which is especially crucial today. In a globalized world where information exchange is instantaneous, we can transform several nations into a single community. We constantly strive for a healthier, more comfortable, sporty, and healthy life, ultimately leading to accomplishments and happiness.

People"s Daily Online: As a leader of a sports organization, how do you rate the capacity and level of the organization of the Chengdu University Games?

Luciano Cabral:The level of organization in Chengdu is extraordinary. The organizing committee, the political authorities of China and Chengdu, the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC), and the organizing committee are to be congratulated. Everything is perfect. Thus far, we haven"t observed the slightest flaw in any sector. All sectors are working fully and perfectly. It"s amazing how everything works perfectly.

Luciano Cabral, the president of the Brazilian University Sport Confederation (CBDU) (Photo courtesy of the interviewee)

People"s Daily Online: What message would you like to leave for Brazilian university athletes and participants in the University Games in Chengdu?

Luciano Cabral:I would like to leave a message for Brazilians, and indeed, all participants: make the most of this moment. This is an incredible experience. Few people in the world have the opportunity to live through such an experience, so savor every minute. Have lots of fun because this is undoubtedly a moment you"ll treasure for the rest of your life. It"s worth experiencing intensely.


CBDU president hails Universiade as a platform for societal development

来源:People's Daily Online 2023-07-27 21:50:28


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